Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 Free Download: It is a series of graphical web browsers developed by MS and incorporated into Microsoft Windows OS since 1995. It was originally released as an add-on package plus! For Windows 95 that year.
For many years, Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) was the default web browser bundled with Windows operating systems. Though it has been largely replaced by modern browsers like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and others, Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) continues to be available as a legacy option. In this article, we explore the availability and features of Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and discuss its relevance in today’s rapidly evolving internet landscape.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 Free Download
Internet Explorer was once the most commonly used web browser, and by 2003 it gained about 95% share. With the launch of Firefox (2004) and Google Chrome (2008) and the growing popularity of operating systems such as Android and iOS that do not support Internet Explorer, its share of usage has declined.
Market share of Internet Explorer
For Internet Explorer’s market share, it stands at 1.7% of all platforms or 8th in terms of stat counters. On traditional PCs (e.g with the exception of Mobile and Xbox), free download internet explorer for windows 7 is the only platform that has a significant share so far, ranked 5th at 3.7%, Microsoft Edge, its successor, and 4th place with a 4.7% market share (and IE also followed by Total Edge).
Internet explorer download freeĀ
Edge first surpassed Internet Explorer in August 2019 in terms of market share. IE and Edge rank third after Firefox, second behind Chrome.
In the late 1990s, Microsoft spent over US $ 100 million a year for Internet Explorer, and by 1999 more than 1,000 people were involved in the project.
Supporting software
Other operating systems for the Internet Explorer versions have been produced, including the Xbox, internet explorer 10 free download for windows 10, called the Xbox 360 version, and Microsoft no longer supports: Mac for the Internet Explorer and Unix (Solaris and HP-yueks) for Internet Explorer, and a pocket internet explorer embedded OEM version called, the Windows CE, Windows Phone, and Internet Explorer 7 for Windows Phone 7 is based on the Internet Explorer Mobile has rebranded.
On 17 March, 2015, MS announced that MS Edge would make Internet Explorer the default web browser on its Windows 10 system. This makes Internet Explorer 11 the last release versions. Internet Explorer, but Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 is primarily for enterprise purposes.
Since January 12, 2016, Internet Explorer 11 has only official support for users; Internet Explorer 10 is supported on some platforms until January 2020. Support varies based on the technical capabilities of the operating system and its support life cycle.
In the development of internet explorer, third party technology, security and privacy defects, and the integration of the United States and the European Union, threaten Internet Explorer’s fair browser competition with Windows.